Grunver Sostenibilidad

Sustainable events

Don't let your event's footprint be on the environment



We advice on the integration of environmental measures in the design and organisation of events to minimise the potential negative impacts on the environment associated with the event. We calculate the Carbon Footprint and Environmental Footprint of the event to determine its environmental impact.

Greening the event:

We introduce environmental criteria in the organisation to achieve the development of a more environmentally friendly event.

Calculation of the environmental impact of the event

We calculate the environmental impact of the event to determine the Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, and Environmental Footprint.

Environmental Report of the Event

We help you communicate the sustainability improvements of the event through an environmental report.

Environmental awareness

We design awareness-raising messages and campaigns for the different agents involved (attendees, suppliers, members of the organisation, etc.).

Environmental certifications and labels

We advise and support the organisation of an event to obtain the Erronka Garbia environmental sustainability certificate.

Sustainability plan

Based on the environmental impact indicators of the event, we develop a sustainability plan with improvement actions to be applied in future editions.


Featured projects


Technical Assistance for the management of the “Erronka Garbia” Certificate during 2019-2021

This official Ihobe´s certificate recognises those events in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country that try to minimise their potential environmental impacts.


Sustainable Carnival of Las Palmas

Assessment of the environmental impact of the carnival and development of an action plan with improvement proposals to reduce it