Grunver Sostenibilidad

Who we are?

Consultancy specialised in circular economy, strategic environmental monitoring, and integration of improvement measures with a life cycle approach

We are Grunver Sostenibilidad

We assess the environmental impact of products, activities, organisations, and regions by calculating their Carbon Footprint, Environmental Footprint and Water Footprint through specialised LCA software and benchmarking methodologies.

We offer comprehensive and innovative solutions aimed at large companies and their entire value chain, SMEs, the self-employed and public entities to reduce the impacts associated with their products, activities, and services.

Our philosophy, which shapes our daily work, is based on passion, innovation, and commitment to the environment.

Grunver’s vision is to exceed the expectations of our customers, who demand a high level of quality and service.

Our areas
Specialists in
Life Cycle Assessment

Multi-criteria analysis of the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its life cycle.

Environmental Footprint

Assessment of the Environmental Footprint of Organisations (OEF) and Products (PEF) based on the European Commission´s methods. It integrates, among others, the Carbon Footprint, or the Water Footprint.

Environmental Training

Specialised courses aimed at public entities and organisations in environmental matters. Tutoring of internships and projects. Turnkey environmental education projects.

Circular Economy

Advice on calculation of benchmarks, deployment of strategies, roadmaps and development of eco-design projects or new business models.

Sustainable Events

Support in the introduction of environmental criteria in the organisation and holding of events. Development of sustainable event guides and proposals for improvement.

Strategic Environmental Monitoring

Development and implementation of strategic environmental monitoring strategies in private companies, sectoral clusters or associations and public bodies.

Our commitment
We are commited
to the environment

At Grunver we believe that the best way to contribute to caring for the planet is to start by reducing the impacts generated by our own activity.
For this reason, we have set 4 objectives to increase our degree of sustainability, committing ourselves to care for and respect the environment in the daily exercise of our activities.

Sustainable resource management

Using resources rationally, minimising water, paper, and energy consumption; reducing waste generation and emissions; favouring recycling and seeking eco-efficient solutions.

Green Purchasing

Incorporating environmental criteria in all our purchases. Grunver's office supplies are selected using green purchasing criteria, giving priority to products with the lowest impact in their life cycle, as they are eco-designed or have a recognised environmental label.

Good environmental practices

Promoting good environmental practices inside and outside the company, among employees, suppliers, and customers.

Emissions offsetting

Calculating and offsetting the CO2 emissions linked to our activity as a way of contributing to the fight against climate change.

Success stories