Grunver Sostenibilidad


Grunver, a company with extensive experience in the environmental consulting sector, has established and implemented an Environmental Management System based on the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

Our Environmental Policy defines the commitment to carry out our activity within the parameters of sustainable development, maintaining the control and management of the environmental aspects it produces, especially the most significant ones. It also establishes a common framework for the definition of objectives and the implementation of activities that contribute to the continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System.

In order to fulfill these commitments and achieve the established objectives, Grunver has established the following fundamental principles:

1. To ensure environmental protection, working in a respectful way, preventing pollution and minimizing the environmental effects produced as a consequence of the activity we carry out.

2. Establish indicators and reporting systems that allow us to objectively know the environmental impact of our activity.

3. Maintain the awareness and sensitization of all our employees, promoting their environmental training and encouraging their active participation, including suggestions for improvement proposed by them in order to promote continuous improvement.

4. Define specific and measurable objectives and goals within an environmental program, which can be reviewed at least once a year according to their achievement.

5. To carry out an annual periodic evaluation of the environmental aspects derived from our activity, for the purpose of maintenance and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.

6. To make environmental information about the company available to interested parties and to work with other companies, official bodies, associations and institutions in the protection of the environment.

Likewise, at Grunver we believe that the best way to contribute to the care of the planet is to start by reducing the impacts generated by our own activity. For this reason, we have set 4 objectives to increase our degree of sustainability, committing ourselves to the care and respect for the environment in the daily exercise of our activity:


 1. Sustainable management of resources:

We use resources rationally, minimizing water, paper and energy consumption; reducing waste generation and emissions; favoring recycling and seeking eco-efficient solutions.


 2. Green purchasing:

Grunver’s office supplies are selected using green purchasing criteria. In this way we select the products that have the least impact in their life cycle, giving priority to eco-designed products or those that present some type of recognized environmental certificate.


 3. Promote good environmental practices:

We encourage good environmental practices among our employees, suppliers and customers.


 4. Offsetting our emissions:

Once a year, we carry out the revegetation of a natural space using native species to offset the CO2 emissions produced by the company’s activity.

First version: 04/18/2022


Last date of revision and approval:18/04/2022


At Grunver we are committed to orienting our activity towards respect, care and protection of the environment; preventing pollution through the sustainable and rational use of resources, complying with current environmental legislation through the implementation, operation and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001:2015.